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Circle of Chi Book
45 Day Renewal
3 Column Exercise
Our main way to communicate with students is through email. You will get Master Lama Rasaji’s Daily message of encouragement, Lamasery Updates, important schedule changes, first news of upcoming live events and more.
Need help to login?
Please Note:
Your password setup and user name were sent to the email you enrolled with. Don’t see them? Please check your spam folder.
All passwords, including your email, are case sensitive.
You can login with your user name or your email. Your user name is sent to you after you join us.
The user name has a period in it. It must be included to work. Login with email seems to be successful more often.
To change your password. Login first. Scroll to the bottom. (Do Tai Chi Gung page) Click on “My Account”
Are you locked out? It is not permanent. Come back later.
Still need help?
Email us: [email protected]